Using the Physical View Windows 4-87
from the Chassis View window:
1. Click on the Token Ring bridge port (Port 2). The Token Ring bridge port
pull-down menu will appear.
2. Drag down to select Physical View…. The ETWMIM Token Ring Phys(ical)
Status window, Figure 4-28, will appear.
Figure 4-28. Token Ring Port Physical View
Token Ring Physical Status Fields
Ring Speed
Displays the current ring speed conÞgured for your Token Ring port. You can
change the ring speed from this window by clicking on the radio button next to
the desired ring speed: 4 Megabits/second or 16 Megabits/second. When you
reconÞgure the ring speed, the new speed will appear in the text box in this Þeld.
Ring State
Displays the state of the ETWMIMÕs Token Ring MAU with respect to the ring.
When the ring is Òopen,Ó the Token Ring MAU is participating in the ring poll
process and is receiving and transmitting data onto the ring. When the ring is
Òclosed,Ó the MAU is removed from the ring, and data is not being transmitted or
received on the ring. You can change the ring state from this window by clicking
on the radio button next to the desired option: Open or Close. If you successfully
reconÞgure the ring state, the new state will appear in the text box in this Þeld.