4-84 Token Ring Bridge Mode
Figure 4-26. Token Ring Bridge Mode Window
Defining the Bridge Modes
When the bridge is set to Transparent mode, the bridge will only transmit
transparent frames from the Token Ring connection. If a source route frame is
received by the bridge, the Source Route information in the frame will be dropped
from the packet. (A transparent frame is the same as a source route frame without
a RIFÑRouting Information Field.)
Source Routing
When the bridge is set to Source Routing mode, the bridge will only transmit
source route frames from the Token Ring connection.You should set the bridging
mode to Source Route when you are bridging from Ethernet to Token Ring. The
source route information (as conÞgured at the Ethernet portÕs Source Route
ConÞguration window) will be appended to the RIF for frames transmitted on
the Token Ring.
Source Route Transparent
When the bridge is set to Source Route Transparent, the bridge will transmit both
transparent and source route frames. The frames received which have source
route information will be transmitted as source route, while frames received that
are transparent will be transmitted as transparent.
Setting The Token Ring Bridge Mode
1. Click on the radio button next to the bridging mode you would like your Token
Ring bridge port to use: Transparent Bridge, Source Routing, or Source
Route Transparent.
2. Click on OK to close the window and set the bridge to the desired mode.