580D090 (7
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 514 0.55 562 593 0.76 723 662 0.99 907 724 1.22 1097 781 1.78 1318
2300 521 0.57 577 600 0.79 747 668 1.02 932 730 1.26 1131 786 1.50 1335
2400 536 0.63 623 613 0.85 795 680 1.09 989 741 1.34 1199 796 1.59 1413
2500 551 0.69 669 626 0.93 859 693 1.17 1056 753 1.43 1275 808 1.69 1499
2550 559 0.72 692 634 0.97 891 700 1.21 1089 759 1.48 1318 814 1.74 1543
2600 567 0.75 716 641 1.00 916 706 1.25 1123 764 1.52 1353 819 1.79 1587
2700 582 0.83 779 655 1.08 981 719 1.34 1199 776 1.61 1430 831 1.89 1674
2800 598 0.90 835 670 1.17 1056 732 1.43 1275 789 1.71 1517 842 2.00 1770
2900 614 0.98 899 684 1.25 1123 745 1.53 1361 802 1.81 1604 854 2.11 1866
3000 630 1.07 973 699 1.35 1207 759 1.63 1147 815 1.92 1700 866 2.23 1971
3100 646 1.16 1047 714 1.45 1292 773 1.74 1543 828 2.04 1805 878 2.35 2076
3200 662 1.26 1131 729 1.55 1378 787 1.86 1648 841 2.16 1910 891 2.48 2188
3300 679 1.36 1216 744 1.66 1473 801 1.98 1753 854 2.29 2023 904 2.61 2300
3400 695 1.47 1310 759 1.78 1578 816 2.10 1858 867 2.42 2136 917 2.75 2420
3500 712 1.59 1413 774 1.90 1683 830 2.23 1971 881 2.56 2257 930 2.90 2546
3600 729 1.71 1517 790 2.03 1796 845 2.37 2093 895 2.71 2386 943 3.05 2670
3700 745 1.84 1630 805 2.17 1919 860 2.52 2223 909 2.87 2521 956 3.22 2807
3750 754 1.91 1691 813 2.24 1980 868 2.59 2283 917 2.95 2587 963 3.30 2870
580D090 (7
TONS)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 841 1.81 1604 902 2.25 1989 939 2.60 2292
2300 843 1.83 1621 905 2.28 2015 943 2.62 2309
2400 849 1.88 1665 910 2.31 2041 952 2.74 2411
2500 859 1.96 1735 912 2.31 2050 963 2.81 2470
2550 864 2.01 1779 915 2.34 2067 968 2.81 2479
2600 869 2.06 1823 918 2.37 2093 973 2.81 2487
2700 880 2.17 1919 927 2.47 2180 976 2.84 2495
2800 892 2.29 2023 938 2.58 2275 983 2.92 2562
2900 903 2.42 2136 949 2.71 2386 993 3.03 2653
3000 915 2.54 2240 961 2.85 2504 1003 3.17 2767
3100 926 2.67 2352 972 3.00 2629 1015 3.32 2886
3200 938 2.81 2470 983 3.14 2743 1026 3.47 3002
3300 950 2.95 2587 995 3.30 2870 — — —
3400 963 3.10 2710 1007 3.45 2987 — — —
3500 976 3.25 2831 — — — — — —
3600 988 3.41 2956 — — — — — —
3700 — — — — — — — — —
3750 — — — — — — — — —
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
*Standard drive range is 590 to 840 rpm. Alternate drive range is 685 to
935 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 52 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40 and the maximum continuous
watts are 2120. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units
ensures that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confi-
dence. Using your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will
not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit war-
ranty will not be affected. See Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance
table on page 55 for additional information.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
5. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.