579F240 (20 TONS)
Temp (F)
Air Entering
Air Entering Evaporator — Cfm/BF
6000/0.06 7000/0.07 8000/0.08 9000/0.09 10,000/0.10
Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (F)
72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62
TC 274.0 250.0 226.0 280.0 256.0 232.0 284.0 260.0 236.0 288.0 264.0 242.0 292.0 268.0 246.0
SHC 130.4 163.6 194.4 136.4 175.0 210.0 144.4 186.8 224.0 151.8 197.0 236.0 157.4 208.0 246.0
kW 16.92 16.40 15.90 17.04 16.58 16.12 17.22 16.72 16.22 17.32 16.84 16.36 17.42 16.92 16.50
TC 264.0 240.0 216.0 270.0 244.0 222.0 276.0 250.0 226.0 278.0 254.0 232.0 282.0 256.0 238.0
SHC 127.6 159.8 189.8 138.2 172.2 206.0 141.8 183.4 220.0 147.8 194.6 232.0 154.6 204.0 236.0
kW 18.54 18.00 17.36 18.72 18.18 17.60 18.96 18.34 17.74 19.04 18.46 17.94 19.14 18.56 18.08
TC 252.0 228.0 204.0 258.0 234.0 210.0 262.0 238.0 216.0 266.0 240.0 222.0 270.0 242.0 228.0
SHC 124.4 155.4 184.6 131.0 167.6 200.0 138.8 178.8 214.0 145.2 189.8 222.0 151.8 200.0 228.0
kW 20.20 19.52 18.82 20.40 19.76 19.08 20.60 19.90 19.28 20.80 20.00 19.52 20.80 20.20 19.76
TC 240.0 216.0 190.6 246.0 222.0 196.6 250.0 226.0 204.0 252.0 228.0 212.0 256.0 230.0 218.0
SHC 120.0 150.8 178.4 127.2 163.6 193.8 135.0 175.2 204.0 141.6 185.4 212.0 147.4 196.2 218.0
kW 21.80 21.00 20.20 22.00 21.20 20.60 22.20 21.40 20.80 22.40 21.60 21.00 22.40 21.60 21.40
TC 228.0 204.0 176.6 232.0 208.0 184.6 236.0 212.0 194.2 238.0 214.0 202.0 240.0 216.0 208.0
SHC 116.0 146.2 171.8 123.8 158.4 184.6 130.4 169.6 194.2 137.2 180.8 202.0 144.0 190.8 206.0
kW 23.40 22.40 21.60 23.60 22.60 22.00 23.80 22.80 22.40 23.80 23.00 22.60 24.00 23.20 22.80
TC 214.0 188.8 163.2 218.0 194.2 174.2 220.0 197.6 183.4 224.0 199.8 190.6 226.0 202.0 196.0
SHC 111.0 140.8 162.8 118.6 153.4 174.2 125.8 164.8 183.4 132.0 175.6 190.4 139.0 185.2 195.4
kW 24.80 23.80 23.00 25.00 24.00 23.40 25.20 24.20 23.80 25.40 24.40 24.00 25.40 24.60 24.40
579F300 (25 TONS)
Temp (F)
Air Entering
Air Entering Evaporator — Cfm/BF
7000/0.03 8750/0.05 10,000/0.07 11,250/0.09
Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (F)
72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62
TC 323.9 299.4 275.8 331.3 312.7 288.4 336.1 319.8 294.7 342.6 322.5 300.0
SHC 159.4 195.2 230.6 170.1 216.5 259.1 177.6 231.1 276.8 186.6 242.9 292.6
kW 21.10 20.50 19.90 21.30 20.90 20.20 21.50 21.10 20.40 21.70 21.20 20.50
TC 315.3 290.4 264.3 326.9 303.2 278.0 333.7 309.1 285.0 335.1 314.2 291.1
SHC 156.3 191.7 224.9 168.4 213.2 254.9 177.5 226.9 273.8 184.4 240.7 288.4
kW 22.70 22.10 21.30 23.10 22.50 21.80 23.30 22.70 22.00 23.30 22.80 22.20
TC 304.1 277.4 243.1 315.3 290.1 263.8 320.4 295.6 271.1 324.1 300.6 279.4
SHC 152.0 186.5 215.2 165.0 208.5 248.0 173.0 222.4 266.4 181.6 236.5 279.4
kW 24.80 24.00 23.20 25.20 24.50 23.50 25.40 24.60 23.80 25.50 24.80 24.10
TC 291.2 261.4 224.8 300.9 274.2 242.1 305.7 280.3 252.3 309.8 284.8 266.3
SHC 147.2 179.7 206.6 159.9 201.8 237.3 168.3 216.8 252.3 176.8 231.1 266.3
kW 26.90 25.80 25.00 27.20 26.30 25.40 27.40 26.60 25.80 27.60 26.80 26.00
TC 274.6 237.9 207.6 285.9 251.5 222.6 291.3 258.4 237.7 293.9 267.5 247.1
SHC 140.9 170.0 198.6 154.9 193.2 222.6 164.1 208.7 237.7 163.0 224.3 247.1
kW 28.80 27.80 26.80 29.40 28.20 27.40 29.60 28.50 27.70 29.70 28.50 28.10
TC 254.5 214.9 184.3 266.7 230.9 206.7 272.0 236.0 220.8 276.1 240.0 231.1
SHC 133.3 160.8 184.3 148.0 185.1 206.7 157.5 200.2 220.8 166.6 214.4 231.1
kW 30.90 29.90 28.90 31.40 30.20 29.60 31.70 30.50 29.90 31.90 30.80 30.30
Standard Ratings
BF — Bypass Factor
Edb — Entering Dry-Bulb
Ewb — Entering Wet-Bulb
kW — Compressor Motor Power Input
Ldb — Leaving Dry-Bulb
Lwb — Leaving Wet-Bulb
SHC — Sensible Heat Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross
TC — Total Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross
1. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
2. The following formulas may be used:
sensible capacity (Btuh)
1.10 x cfm
= Wet-bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air leav-
ing evaporator coil (h
total capacity (Btuh)
4.5 x cfm
Where: h
= Enthalpy of air entering evaporator coil
3. The SHC is based on 80 F edb temperature of air entering evapo-
rator coil.
Below 80 F edb, subtract (corr factor x cfm) from SHC.
Above 80 F edb, add (corr factor x cfm) to SHC.
79 78 77 76 75 under 75
81 82 83 84 85 over 85
Correction Factor
.05 1.04 2.07 3.11 4.14 5.18
Use formula
shown below.
.10 .98 1.96 2.94 3.92 4.90
.20 .87 1.74 2.62 3.49 4.36
.30 .76 1.53 2.29 3.05 3.82
Interpolation is permissible.
Correction Factor = 1.10 x (1 − BF) x (edb − 80).