a. Kit shall provide connectors to permit gas and electrical connections to be brought to the unit through the
22. Fan/Filter Status Switch:
a. Provides status of indoor (evaporator) fan (ON/ OFF) or filter (CLEAN/DIRT Y). Status shall be displayed
over communication bus when used with direct digital controls or with an indicator light at the thermostat.
23. Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor:
a. The outdoor air enthalpy sensor shall be used to provide single enthalpy control. When used in conjunction
with a ret urn air e nthalpy sensor, the unit will provide differential enthalpy control. T he sensor allows the
unit to determine if outside air is suitable for free cooling.
24. Return Air Enthalpy Sensor:
a. The return air enthalpy sensor shall be used in conj unction with an outdoor air ent halpy sensor to provide
differential enthalpy control.
25. Indoor Air Quality (CO2) Sensor:
a. Shall be able to provide demand ventilation indoor air quality (IAQ) control.
b. The IAQ sensor sha ll be available in duct mount, wa ll mount, or wall mount wit h LED display. The set
point shall have adjustment capability.
26. Hinged Panel Option:
a. Hinged panel option provides hinged access panels for the filter, compressor, evaporator fan, and control
box areas.
b. Filter hinged panels permit tool--less entry for changing filters.
c. Each hinged panel is permanently attached to the rooftop unit.
27. Smoke det ectors:
a. Shall be a Four--Wire Controller and Detector.
b. Shall be environmental compensated with differential sensing for reliable, stable, and drift--free sensitivity.
c. Shall use magnet-- activated test/reset sensor switches.
d. Shall have tool-- less connection terminal access.
e. Shall have a recessed momentary switch for testing and resetting the detector.
f. Controller shall include:
i. One set of normally open alarm initiation contacts for connection to an initiating device circuit on a fire
alarm control panel
ii. Two Form --C auxiliary alarm relays for interface with rooftop unit or other equipment
iii. One Form--C supervision (trouble) relay to control the operation of t he Trouble LED on a remote test/re-
set station
iv. Capable of direct connection to two individual detec tor modules
v. Can be wired to up to 14 other duct smoke detectors for multiple fan shutdown applications
28. Winter start kit
a. Shall conta in a bypass device around the low pressure switch.
b. Shall be required when mechanical cooling below an out door ambient of 40_F(4_C).
c. Shall not be required to operate an equipped economizer when below an outdoor ambient of 40_F(4_C).
29. Barometric relief
a. Shall include damper, seals, hard--ware, and hoods to relieve excess building pressure.
b. Damper shall gravity--close upon unit shutdown.
30. Time Guard
a. Shall preve nt compressor short cycl ing by providing a 5--minute delay (±2 minutes) before restarting a
compressor after shutdown for any reason.
b. One devic e shall be required per compressor.
Manufacturer reserves theri ght todis continue,orchangeatany time,specifications or designswithout noticeand withoutincurringobligations.
E2008BryantHeating&Co oli ng SystemsD 7310W.Mo rrisSt.D Indianapolis,IN 46231 Printedi n U.S.A. EditionDate: 01/08
Catalog No. PDS558J---01