4. Filters shall be accessible through an access panel with “no --tool” removal as described in the unit cabinet
section of this specifica tion (23 81 19.13.H).
23 81 19 Self--Contained Air Conditioners
23 81 19.13 Small--Capacity Self--Contained Air Conditioners (558J*04--07)
23 81 19.13.A. General
1. Outdoor, rooftop mounted, electrically controlled, heating and cooling unit utilizing a(n) hermetic scroll com-
pressor(s) for cooling duty and gas combustion for heating duty.
2. Factory assembled, single--piece heating and cooling rooftop unit. Contained within the unit enclosure shall
be all factory wiring, piping, controls, and special features required prior to field sta rt--up.
3. Unit shall use environmentally safe, Puron refrigerant.
4. Unit shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Unit must be selected and installed in compliance with local, state, and federal codes.
23 81 19.13.B. Quality Assurance
1. Unit me ets ASHRAE 90.1--2004 minimum efficiency requirements.
2. 3 phase units are Energy Star qualified.
3. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210 and 360.
4. Unit shall be designed to conform to ASHRAE 15, 2001.
5. Unit shall be UL--tested and certified in accordance with ANSI Z21.47 Standards and UL--listed and certified
under Canadian standards as a total package for safety requirem ents.
6. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A requirements for flam e spread and smoke generation.
7. Unit casing shall be capable of withstanding 500--hour salt spray exposure per ASTM B117 (scribed speci -
8. Unit casing shall be capable of withstanding Federal Test Method Standard No. 141 (Method 6061)
5000--hour salt spray.
9. Unit shall be designed i n accordance with ISO 9001:2000, and shall be manufactured in a facility registered
by ISO 9001:2000.
10. Roof curb shall be designed to conform to NRCA Standards.
11. Unit shall be subjected to a completely automated run test on the assembly line. The data for each unit will be
stored at the factory, and must be avai lable upon request.
12. Unit shall be designed in accordance with UL Standard 1995, including tested to withstand rain.
13. Unit shall be constructed to prevent intrusion of snow and tested to prevent snow intrusion into the control
box up to 40 mph.
14. Unit shake tested to assurance level 1, ASTM D4169 to ensure shipping reliability.
23 81 19.13.C. Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1. Unit shall be stored and handled per manufa cturer’s recommendations.
2. Lifted by crane requires either shipping top panel or spreader bars.
3. Unit shall only be stored or positioned in the upright positi on.
23 81 19.13.D. Project Conditions
1. As specified in the contract.
23 81 19.13.E. Project Conditions
1. As specified in the contract.
23 81 19.13.F. Operating Characteristics
1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running at 115_F(46_C) ambient outdoor temperature, meeting maxim-
um load criteria of ARI Standard 210/240 or 360 at ± 10% voltage.
2. Compressor with standa rd controls shall be capabl e of operation down to 40_F(4_C), ambient outdoor tem-
peratures. Accessory winter start kit is necessary if mechanically cooling at ambient temperatures below 40_
3. Unit shall discharge supply air vertically or horizontally as shown on contract drawings.
4. Unit shall be factory configured for vertical supply & return configurations.
5. Unit shall be field convertible from vert ical to hori zontal configuration
6. Unit shall be capable of mixed operation: vertical supply with horizontal return or hori zontal supply with
vertical return.
23 81 19.13.G. Electrical Requirements
1. Main power supply voltage, phase, and frequency must m atch those required by the manufacturer.
23 81 19.13.H. Unit Cabinet