
Table of Contents
How to Use This Manual............................. 1
Screen configuration......................................1
Operation buttons.......................................... 1
How to use Support menus...........................1
How to use Menu areas/Main text areas.......2
Printing ..........................................................3
How to use the Search function.....................3
Displaying related Web pages.......................3
Features ....................................................... 4
What You Can Do With This Software..............4
Automatically Create an Embroidery Pattern
From an Image..............................................4
Automatically Create an Embroidery Pattern
From a Photo.................................................4
Easily Create Custom Font Patterns.............5
Have Fun Creating Embroidery Patterns
Create Embroidery Patterns Using All Four
Description of New Features...................... 7
Basic Operation Map .................................. 8
Support/Service........................................... 9
Online Registration ...........................................9
Checking for the Latest Version of the
Starting up/Exiting Applications.............. 10
Starting up Layout & Editing ........................... 10
Starting up Design Center............................... 10
Starting up Font Creator .................................11
Starting up Programmable Stitch Creator.......11
Starting up Design Database.......................... 12
Exiting the Application..................................... 12
Understanding Windows and Using
Tools........................................................... 13
Layout & Editing Window................................13
Design Center Window...................................14
Font Creator Window......................................15
Programmable Stitch Creator Window............ 16
Design Database Window...............................17
Tutorial....................................................... 18
Automatically Converting an Image to an
Embroidery Design (Auto Punch Function)..... 18
Step1 Importing image data into Layout
& Editing...........................................18
Step2 Automatically converting the image
to an embroidery pattern.................. 19
Step3 Displaying a preview of
the embroidery.................................20
Step4 Saving the embroidery design.......... 20
Step5 Transferring the design to
an original card.................................21
Automatically Converting an Image to an
Embroidery Design (Cross Stitch Function)....22
Step1 Importing image data into Layout
& Editing ..........................................22
Step2 Automatically converting the image
to an embroidery pattern
(Cross Stitch function)......................23
Step3 Displaying a preview of
the embroidery .................................24
Step4 Saving the embroidery design..........25
Step5 Transferring the design to
an original card.................................25
Automatically Converting a Photo to an
Embroidery Pattern (Photo Stitch Function)....27
Step1 Importing photo data into
Layout & Editing ..............................27
Step2 Automatically converting the image
to an embroidery pattern ..................28
Step3 Displaying a preview of
the embroidery .................................30
Step4 Saving the embroidery design..........31
Step5 Transferring the design to an
original card......................................31
Manually Creating Embroidery Patterns
From Images (Design Center).........................33
Step1 Opening an image file
(Original Image Stage) ....................33
Step2 Extracting the outlines by selecting
Step3 Editing the outlines
(Line Image Stage)...........................35
Step4 Specifying sewing attributes
(Sew Setting Stage) .........................38
Step5 Displaying a preview of
the embroidery .................................41
Step6 Saving the embroidery pattern .........42
Step7 Transferring the design to
an original card.................................42
Arranging Embroidery Patterns
(Layout & Editing)............................................45
Step1 Importing an embroidery pattern
from Design Center .........................46
Step2 Adding text .......................................47
Step3 Drawing shapes................................51
Step4 Displaying a preview of
the embroidery .................................58
Step5 Saving the embroidery design..........59
Step6 Transferring the design to
an original card.................................59