Manually Creating Embroidery Patterns From Images (Design Center)
Basic Operation Flow - Design Center
Design Center is used to manually create embroidery patterns from images created in other applications. With
Design Center, you can also apply stitch patterns created with Programmable Stitch Creator to regions of the
embroidery pattern. The resulting embroidery pattern can then be imported into the Layout & Editing Design
Page and combined with other patterns.
The embroidery pattern is created in four stages:
■ Original Image Stage
In the Original Image Stage, you can open an image (or clip art) from various sources, such as, an image
created in Paint
, a scanned drawing, or purchased clip art.
The image file must be in the uncompressed format, and its file name extension must be .bmp, .tif, .jpg, .j2k,
.pcx, .wmf, .png, .eps, .pcd, or .fpx.
Note that image files in other formats can be converted into the specified format if you have the proper
conversion software.
In the Original Image Stage, the image is displayed with its original colors and you cannot modify it.
■ Line Image Stage
When moving from the Original Image Stage to the Line Image Stage, select a maximum of five colors from
the image that will be converted into black outlines. Unselected colors will be converted into white. You can
then correct the black-and-white image using pens and erasers of different thicknesses.
If you save a file in the Line Image Stage, its file name extension will be .pel.
■ Figure Handle Stage
When you move to the Figure Handle Stage, the application automatically detects the outline (black areas)
and replaces it with a set of broken lines. The broken lines can be edited (you can move and delete points or
insert new points).
If you save a file in the Figure Handle Stage, its file name extension will be .pem.
■ Sew Setting Stage
You can set the sew type, thread color, and other sewing attributes for the outlines and regions to complete
the embroidery pattern.
If you save a file in the Sew Setting Stage, its file name extension will be .pem.
If you have to interrupt your work at the Line Image Stage, the Figure Handle Stage or the Sew Setting Stage,
save the file in order to retrieve it later to resume working on it.