Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing)
Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing)
3. Select the file icon for the design to be
imported, and then click Import, or double-
click the file icon.
→ The embroidery design is displayed in the
Design Page.
4. Click in the upper-right corner of the
Import dialog box to close it.
■ From Design Library
1. Click to display the dialog box in
Design Library view mode.
2. From the Category selector, select a category
to display the corresponding embroidery data.
■ From a folder
1. Click to display the dialog box in
folder view mode.
2. Click .
→ The Browse for folder dialog box
3. Select a folder, and then click OK.
4. From the File Type box, select a file name
extension to display the corresponding
embroidery data.
■ From an embroidery card
1. Insert an embroidery card into the USB card
writer module.
Refer to “Transferring the design to an
original card” on page 17.
2. Click .
After the card has been read, the dialog box
appears in card view mode, and the
embroidery designs on the card are displayed.
b Memo:
• The design can be imported by dragging its
file icon from the
dialog box to the
Design Page.
• Multiple files cannot be selected to be
imported at the same time.
a Note:
When importing designs from other vendors,
be sure to choose a design that will fit in the
Design Page.
Indicates the path to the currently selected folder.
b Memo:
Since .dst files do not contain thread color
information, the colors are temporarily
assigned when the design is imported into
Layout & Editing. Therefore, the colors of an
imported .dst file may not appear as expected.
You can change the thread colors using
functions in the
Sewing Order/Lock
“Changing colors” on page 118.
a Note:
Due to copyright issues, some embroidery
cards cannot be used with this function.