How To Use Manuals
The following manuals are included with this software.
Installation Guide
This guide contains descriptions about the preparations necessary to begin using the software. Follow the
instructions provided in this guide to complete the preparation and installation of the software.
Instruction Manual (Basic/this manual)
This manual contains descriptions of Layout & Editing and Design Center.
In order to understand how to use these applications, basic operations are first introduced through examples.
Follow these procedures to gain an understanding of the general operations of these applications.
Precautions, additional information, and details on useful functions and the various settings are described
later. Customer service information is also provided in this manual.
Instruction Manual (Basic and Advanced/PDF format)
This manual is provided in a PDF format on the enclosed CD-ROM. The following information is provided in
addition to the Instruction Manual described above.
Details on Design Database, Programmable Stitch Creator and Font Creator are provided. Refer to this
manual for information on these applications. Basic operations for each of these applications are described
through examples. Then, precautions, additional information, and details on useful functions and the various
settings are provided.
For a better understanding of the PE-DESIGN operations, an advanced tutorial, tips and techniques, and lists
of menus/tools for each application are provided. In addition, this manual contains a troubleshooting section.
Refer to this section if you have any problems while using this software.
■ Opening the Instruction Manual (PDF format)
Click All Programs, then PE-DESIGN 8, then Instruction Manual.
Otherwise, click Help, then Instruction Manual in the menu of any application.
■ Printing the Instruction Manual (PDF format)
For details on printing from Adobe
, refer to the Help for Adobe
b Memo:
• Adobe
is required for viewing and printing the PDF version of the Instruction Manual.
• If Adobe
is not on your computer, it must be installed. It can be downloaded from the Adobe
Systems Incorporated Web site (http://www.adobe.com/).