Other than a Manual Override lever, there are no operator
controls because this is an automatic transfer switch. The
manual override is to be used only by licensed professionals.
Information on handle use can be obtained by calling
Technical Service at 800-743-4115.
To select automatic transfer operation, do the following:
1. In transfer switch, set utility disconnect circuit breaker
to ON position.
2. In transfer switch, set generator disconnect circuit
breaker to ON position.
3. Install 15 Amp fuse in generator’s control panel.
4. Set generator’s circuit breaker to ON position.
5. Set generator’s system switch to AUTO position.
The system will now be in automatic operation mode.
When the generator is providing power to the transfer switch,
the transfer switch control board is constantly monitoring
generator power and communicating with the Symphony II
system control board.
The Symphony II system will control up to 8 priorities, with
priority 9 and 10 as lockouts. When total generator load
meets a preset value, the Symphony II system control board
will start shedding loads, starting with the lowest priority
(highest number) load. The Symphony II system will add or
shed managed loads based on the generator output capacity
and priority settings.
The Symphony II system waits 10 seconds between adding
or shedding each load to permit the system to stabilize. If
too much load demand is seen, the Symphony II system will
shed all managed loads quickly to prevent the generator
from overloading. Once the load demand has stabilized,
the Symphony II system will re-load the generator after a
5 minute delay, as described above.
There is a minimum five minute delay between the time
utility power is lost and priority 1 loads are energized by the
Symphony II system.
Be aware that managed heating element energy loads
(such as electric range burners, oven, or space heaters)
that were ON when utility power was lost, will be ON when
the generator begins supplying power. It is advised that the
owner check all such managed devices to ensure they are
turned OFF before generator power appears.
Managed devices like clothes dryers that require pressing a
START button will not resume operation unless the START
button is pressed after generator power begins.
Symphony™ II Power Monitor (Optional)
For your convenience, a Symphony II Power Monitor is
available, which provides a visual “on/off” status of each
managed appliance/load. A series of LED lights are ON
when an appliance has generator power and OFF when the
appliance is in a shed mode or does not have power. When
on generator power, the consumer can see which appliances
are being managed.
A decal is provided that can be labeled with the managed
appliances/loads and placed next to each priority LED.
The monitor is plugged into any convenient standard outlet
within the home and constantly receives system status via
the power line communication technology utilized by the
Symphony II Power Management System during
generator power.
Enclosure Door
To open transfer switch door, press the spring-load door lock
to the right and pull down on the door.
To close and latch door, push door closed against enclosure.
While in this position, push door upwards. This will cause
spring-load door lock to engage and latch door in place.
Enclosure door MUST be closed and latched at all times
except when system is being serviced.