Remote Module Setup
Each remote module features a priority selector (D) that
permits control of load-add or load-shed sequence. Priority
number is identified on clear protective barrier. Diagrams of
each module are shown in Status LED’s, later in this manual.
Priority 1 is the highest priority - devices set to this priority
will be the first load(s) added or last load(s) shed in a load
management situation. Priority 8 is the lowest priority.
Priority 9 and 10 are lockouts. Remote module(s) set to
these priorities will remain unpowered during any utility
power outage. An unlimited amount of remote modules can
be assigned to priority 9 or 10.
In consultation with the homeowner, set each remote
module’s priority selector switch to the desired priority
position. Assign a different priority to each remote module for
optimum operation.
Testing the Automatic Transfer Switch
Turn the utility service disconnect circuit breaker feeding the
transfer switch contactor to the OFF position. The system’s
automatic sequence described below will initiate. To return to
utility power, turn the utility service disconnect circuit breaker
to the ON position.
Utility Fail
The generator senses when utility voltage is below
70 percent of nominal. Engine start sequence is initiated after
6 second time delay.
Engine Warm-Up
Time delay to allow for engine warm-up before transfer. Use
jumper on transfer switch control board to select delay of
20 seconds or 50 seconds.
Transfer from utility to generator supply occurs after voltage
is above set levels. The transfer switch control board LED
lights will change from green (utility) to red (generator)
and the Symphony II status light will change blink status
from Blink Blink_Pause_Blink Blink to Blink_Pause_Blink.
Minimum engine run time is 5 minutes after transfer.
Load Management
Five minutes after transfer to generator power, the remote
modules energize connected load(s) if generator power is
available, starting with the highest priority (1) through the
lowest priority (8). There is a 10 second delay between each
sequential activation.
The P1 through P8 LED’s (A) on the Symphony II control
board will illuminate to show loads being added.
Loads connected to remote modules set to priorities 9 and
10 remain off for the duration of a utility power outage.
Utility Pickup
Voltage pickup level is 80 percent of nominal voltage.
Retransfer from generator to utility power is approximately 10
seconds after utility voltage supply is above pickup level and
minimum run time is completed. All remote module(s) will
remain OFF for five minutes after the power transfer.
Engine Cool Down
Engine will run for 60 seconds after retransfer.
WARNING Testing must only be performed by
qualified personnel. Equipment contains high
voltage that could cause personal injury or death.
• Despite the safe design of the system, operating this
equipment imprudently, neglecting its maintenance or
being careless can cause possible injury or death.