Contents of this
Chapter Title Content
Describes the purpose, background,
and scope of this manual. Also
specifies the audience for whom this
manual is intended and defines key
terms and abbreviations used
throughout this book.
1 Overview
Provides a hardware and system
overview. Explains and illustrates the
components of the system.
2 Installation and Wiring
Provides installation information and
wiring guidelines.
3 Channel Configuration, Data
Examines the channel configuration
and the channel status word, and
explains how the module uses
configuration data and generates
status during operation.
4 Ladder Programming Examples
Gives an example of the ladder logic
required to define the channel for
operation. Also includes
representative examples for unique
requirements such as sample count,
trend calculation, etc.
5 Troubleshooting
Explains how to interpret and correct
problems that occur while using the
load module.
A Specifications
Provides physical, electrical,
Environmental, and functional
Specifications for the module.
B Ladder Program