Chapter 2
The Weigh Scale module communicates to the processor through the parallel
backplane interface and receives +5Vdc and +24Vdc power from the power
supply through the backplane. No external power supply is required. The
MicroLogix and CompactLogix platforms can support up to 8 I/O modules. You
may install up to 3 Weigh Scale modules using the base power supply. An
additional power supply can be added to support more than 3 modules. Refer to
publication 17864-UM100A-US-P for information on expansion power supply
Each individual channel on the module can receive input signals from strain gage
based sensors. The module converts the analog values directly into digital
The sensors are wired to the modules using the rightmost bank of inputs.
The pin-out is shown below.
To ensure proper operation
and high immunity to
electrical noise, always use
Helm strain gage cable.
To limit noise, keep strain gage cable as
far away as possible from power and load
The module can support up to
two sensor inputs DO NOT
attempt to parallel additional
gages as you will cause
damage to the module and void
product warranty.
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