TravelPilot EX-V
The TravelPilot EX-V uses easy-to-understand screen menus to take
you quickly and directly to your destination to make sure that easy
operation and great convenience are not a contradiction in terms.
It’s just what we do. The TravelPilot EX-V easily meets these demands
because there is hardly another DVD navigation system that has such
an attractive range of features to boast. The digital map of Europe,
extremely quick route calculation, traffi c congestion avoidance
(optional), acoustic traffi c jam warning – in other words: high-end
· Precise route guidance based on GPS, the speed signal and
the gyro – reliable route guidance even without the GPS signal,
e. g. in tunnels, in forested areas, etc.
· Seamless, borderless navigation in 25 European countries
· Faster route calculation thanks to modern computer technology
· “Quick”, “short” or “optimal” route (a combination of the quick
and the short route)
· Dynamic route guidance even on main national roads
· Acoustic traffic jam warning, e. g. “Warning: Traffic jam in 2 km”
· Error-tolerant destination input – also offers similar-sounding
· Speed warning – a warning signal sounds when you exceed
the maximum speed limit
· Quick and easy destination input via postal code, letters or a
combination of the two. The input function automatically limits
the entry to the possible results
· Navigation with several stopover destinations possible
· Destination information with additional note on which side of
the street the destination is on
· Infrared hand remote control
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Any more precise and it would
have to be called electronic
parking assistance.
You don’t have to know exactly where every place is. Thanks to the
new map material, the TravelPilot Lucca can get you anywhere.
M-Navigation is a package of 41 countries – the DVD for all of
Europe. It is fully compatible with all portable Blaupunkt navi-
gation devices.
Detailed road network in:
· Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Greece, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, Vatican.
Main connecting roads in:
· Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Rumania, Serbia
and Montenegro, Slovenia, Ukraine.
In addition, selected points of interest from MERIAN scout. Totaling:
Close to 250,000 restaurants, more than 130,000 hotels, more than
7,000 tourist attractions as well as, close to 90,000 fi lling stations,
600 airports, more than 7,000 highway rest stops.
Features based on the Germany CD:
· Detailed road network of Germany
· Navigation throughout Europe with main connecting roads in:
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy,
Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Andorra, Liechtenstein,
San Marino, Vatican City, Monaco, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia
and the Czech Republic
· Dynamic navigation in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Austria,
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden,
Switzerland, Spain and the Czech Republic
(on highways and main national roads)
· Destination input in Germany via postal code
(complete coverage in Germany)
· More than 650,000 addresses like airports, highways, borders,
city centers, filling stations, fast-food restaurants and much more
· Compatible with the TravelPilot E1, TravelPilot E2, TravelPilot E
Freestyler, TravelPilot Exact, TravelPilot Exact MP3,
TravelPilot Rome NAV 55E, TravelPilot Rome Europe NAV 56E,
TravelPilot Amsterdam NAV 35E
Features based on the Germany CD:
· Detailed road network of Germany
· Dynamic navigation in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Austria,
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden,
Switzerland, Spain and the Czech Republic
(on highways and main national roads)
· Destination input in Germany via postal code
(complete coverage in Germany)
· More than 650,000 addresses like airports, highways, borders,
city centers, filling stations, fast-food restaurants and much more
· Compatible with the TravelPilot DX navigation systems
TravelGuide DX-CD
DX TravelGuide CDs with the travel-guide function:
· De Agostini: Italy
· MERIAN scout: Alps, Germany
· Repsol: Spain/Portugal
· Compatible with the TravelPilot DX navigation systems
TravelGuide info on:
Hotels, restaurants, fi lling stations, tourist attractions, parking,
camping, banks, hospitals, distance indication, credit card
acceptance, operas, museums, bars, post offi ces, police stations,
airports, concert halls, tennis courts, amusement parks, trade-
show venues
Navigation software is also available for many other countries on
CD or DVD.