Plug ’n’ Play is their strength:
The THA Series.
Sometimes you simply have to have an amplifi er: for rich sound and
low basses. Car radios already installed in the factory are rarely
equipped to afford such music enjoyment. Nevertheless, it is becom-
ing increasingly more diffi cult to replace the pre-installed models
provided by the vehicle manufacturer with aftermarket systems.
And in leased vehicles, it is usually out of the question to make
any permanent changes – original cables can almost never be cut.
Blaupunkt has the solution for more power: The THA PnP amplifi er
series offers a powerful amp to retrofi t into virtually any vehicle. It is
not necessary to change any existing wiring. The installation is just
as easy as it is ingenious and doesn’t generally take any longer than
half an hour. The trick is in the system. Take a closer look at the
THA PnP amplifi ers.
· PnP connection
· Ultra-compact
· Minimum power needs
· Direct Aux input (except THA 1250)
· 2 ohm-stable
· Cable remote control for BassBoost
included (THA 1250 and THA 555 only)
THA 475 PnP
Strong, when others go weak: The THA 475 PnP is compact and a
real powerhouse at the same time. Intelligent design has made it
possible to reduce this amp’s dimensions by approximately two
thirds compared to conventional amplifi ers in this performance
category. And its installation is also much easier – thanks to the
innovative PnP connection technology.
Our motto is: save space. Thanks to its extremely compact dimen-
sions, this amp can be easily installed virtually anywhere. Gone are
the days when amplifi ers almost always had to be installed in the
trunk because of their size. Center console, glove compartment,
under the front seats or behind the dashboard are the convenient
installation locations of the future.
A connection for any car: There are 40 different adapters to choose from, which means
that you can easily connect a THA PnP amplifi er to factory-installed radios in close to
2000 vehicle models built by European, Asian and American manufacturers. Thanks
to the wide range of adapters, you no longer need the skills of an electronics expert.
Say goodbye to bulky tool kits: Up to now, anyone wanting to install an amplifi er need-
ed a whole range of different pliers, screwdrivers, special wrenches and often even
a soldering iron at the ready. Nowadays, sometimes all you need are the mounting
brackets to remove the original radio. And thanks to the vehicle-specifi c adapters, you
don’t need to become an electronics engineer.
1) Remove the radio
4) Connect the PnP
extension cord to the
PnP adapter
2) Plug the correct
PnP adapter into the
5) Connect the PnP
extension cord to the
amplifi er
3) Connect the original
wiring harness to the
PnP adapter
6) Mount the amplifi er
and return the radio to its
original position
2) BMW adapter 3) Ford adapter 4) Suzuki adapter1) VW adapter 5) Volvo adapter