Step 2/9 - Start Time/Date
Start Time/Date
Select the scan frequency:
• Once - launches the scan only once, at a certain moment.
• Periodically - launches the scan periodically, at certain time intervals(hours, days,
weeks, months, years) starting with a specified date and time.
If you want the scan to be repeated after certain intervals, select the checkbox cor-
responding to Periodically and type in the At every edit box the number of
minutes/hours/days/weeks/ months/years you want to repeat this process.
Use the up/down arrows of this box in order to increase/decrease the number of
minutes/hours/ days/weeks/months/years.
Select the time interval - minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years - to which the
scan be repeated.
If you made your option for a repeated scan, the event will be launched for an un-
limited time-period. In order to give up the event, it must be erased from the events
list of the Scheduler window.
Antispyware module