Click the box with "+" to open an option or the box with "-" to close an option.
• Specify the type of objects to be scanned (archives, e-mail messages and so on)
and other options. This is made through the selection of certain options from
Scanning options category.
The following detection options are available:
Scans the system’s boot sector.Scan boot sectors
Scans all files, regardless of their type.Scan all filesScan files
Only the program files will be scanned. This
means only the files with the following exten-
Scan program files
sions: exe; bat; com; dll; ocx; scr; bin; dat;
386; vxd; sys; wdm; cla; class; ovl; ole; exe;
hlp; doc; dot; xls; ppt; wbk; wiz; pot; ppa;
xla; xlt; vbs; vbe; mdb; rtf; htm; hta; html;
xml; xtp; php; asp; js; shs; chm; lnk; pif; prc;
url; smm; pdf; msi; ini; csc; cmd; bas; eml and
Scans only the files with the extensions spe-
cified by the user. These extensions must be
separated by ";".
Scan user defined
The files with the extensions specified by the
user will NOT be scanned. These extensions
must be separated by ";".
Exclude user
defined extensions
Scans packed files.Open packed pro-
Scans inside archives.Open archives
Scans inside mail archives.Open e-mail
To use heuristic scanning of the files. The aim
of heuristic scanning is to identify new viruses,
Use heuristic detection
based on certain patterns and algorithms, be-
Antispyware module