
STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
In the above example, the permanent masses in the structure are
provided in the form of "selfweight" and "member loads" (see
sections 5.32 and 1.18.3) for obtaining the mode shapes and
frequencies. The rest of the data is the input for application of the
time varying loads on the structure. Forcing function type 1 is
applied at joints 2 and 3 starting at arrival time number 3. (Arrival
time number 3 is 1.8 seconds in example shown in section 5.31.4).
Similarly, forcing function type 1 is applied at joints 5 and 7
starting at arrival time number 6 (4.4 seconds). A ground motion
(type 2) acts on the structure in the x-direction starting at arrival
time number 1 (0.0 seconds).