
Barnes & Noble NOOK HD User Guide 41
3. Tap the Rename button.
A dialog box opens, allowing you to type a new name for the shelf.
4. Type the new name for the shelf. Tap the Save button in the dialog box.
Your NOOK renames the shelf and returns to the window showing the shelf’s contents.
5. If you have finished making changes to the shelf, tap the Save button.
Your NOOK closes the window.
Removing a Shelf
You can remove a shelf from your Library. Removing a shelf does not delete the shelf ’s content. It simply removes
the grouping of content in that particular shelf.
To remove a shelf, do this:
1. In the Library, scroll through your content until you find My Shelves. Tap on the category title My Shelves.
Your NOOK lists the shelves you have created.
2. Tap the Edit button next to the shelf you want to remove
Your NOOK opens a window listing the contents of your Library. Checkmarks appear next to the items on this
3. Tap the Remove button.
A dialog box opens, asking if you really want to remove this shelf.
4. Tap OK.
Your NOOK removes the shelf.
Moving Content to and from NOOK Cloud™
To save space on your device, you can move Library item to NOOK Cloud, the cloud-based storage service included
with your NOOK account. Once you move items to NOOK Cloud, they take up almost no space on your NOOK.
Only the cover and a brief description of each item remains. You can re-download these items at any time by tapping
on their covers. A green down-arrow on an item’s cover indicates that it is available for downloading.
The following types of content may be moved to NOOK Cloud:
• Books
• Magazines
• Newspapers
• Catalogs
• Movies and TV shows
NOTE: If you move an item to NOOK Cloud, you can download it later. In contrast, if you delete an item, you
permanently remove it from your Library. To access an item after you have deleted it, you would need
to re-purchase it. If you want to clear storage space on your NOOK while retaining access to items you
have purchased, we recommend that you move the items to NOOK Cloud rather than deleting them.