
122 Barnes & Noble NOOK HD User Guide
Active Shelf
A scrollable shelf of recently purchased items and recently accessed items that appears near the top of the center
panel of the Home Screen.
Article View (Magazine)
A presentation of the text content of the magazine article you are reading. Article View makes it easy to read the text
of an article even if the page design features lots of graphics, uses small type, or is otherwise dicult to read.
Home Screen
The screen displayed when you press the NOOK button. The Home Screen features the Active Shelf, Your NOOK
Today, and Nav Buttons for accessing features such as Library and the NOOK Store.
Hotspot (Magazines and Catalogs)
On the page of a magazine or a catalog, a small highlighted region that provides interactive features. For example, tap-
ping on a hotspot in a news magazine might open a Web page with special content. Tapping on a hotspot in a catalog
might open an e-commerce Web page for purchasing the item being described.
Hotspot (Wi-Fi)
A location that oer Wi-Fi access. Commonly used to describe public locations such as cafes, airports, and hotel lob-
bies that oer free wireless access to the Internet.
Incognito Tab
In the Chrome browser, a tab whose pages will not appear in your browser history or search history and whose
cookies will not be saved once you have closed all incognito tabs.
NOOK Channels™
Recommendations for books, movies, and other content based on the interests of a particular profile. NOOK Chan-
nels are available through the NOOK Store on your device.
NOOK Video™
High-definition video content that can be purchased or rented through the NOOK Store.
The text field near the top of the Chrome browser where you can enter Web addresses or search terms.