NOOK User Guide In-Store Experience 87
In-Store Experience
Special things are in store for you when you visit a Barnes & Noble Bookstore with your NOOK:
• You receive information on local events, unique content, special oers, and coupons.
• You can read many eBooks for free, for up to one hour per eBook per day.
Your Barnes & Noble Bookstore also has NOOKs, NOOK accessories, and paperback and hardback
books, magazines, and newspapers.
When you enter a Barnes & Noble Bookstore, your NOOK automatically connects to a Barnes &
Noble Wi-Fi hotspot so you can access the eBookstore. It also displays a welcome message that
alerts you to in-store content.
When you are in a Barnes & Noble Bookstore, the shop button on the Home menu has an in store
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If you are in a Barnes & Noble Bookstore and the shop button does not have an in store badge,
check that Airplane mode is o and Wi-Fi is on.
In a Barnes & Noble Bookstore, More in Store is added to the merchandising area of the Shop on
your NOOK. It includes in-store oers and announcements.
All NOOKs, whether registered or not, display the welcome message and add More in
Store to the merchandising area. To be able to make purchases or read an eBook for free,
your NOOK must be registered.