
NOOK User Guide Lending eBooks 133
3 Browse to the item you want to lend, or search and then browse. Move the selection indicator
up and down on the reading screen using the Up and Down buttons. Flip pages in the list using
the Next Page and Previous Page buttons.
4 Do one of the following:
Choose an already defined friend. Tap Lend and the menu with the friend’s name.
Define a friend and then choose that friend. Tap Lend > Add a New Contact. Specify the name
and email address of the friend, and tap Submit to save the new contact. Tap the menu item for
the newly defined contact.
5 You are prompted to enter a personal message. The message can be up to 30 characters in
length. Optionally, enter a message.
6 Tap Submit.
7 You are prompted to confirm the loan. Tap Confirm. Your NOOK contacts the server, and the
server sends a lending oer email to your friend. If he/she has a Barnes & Noble online account,
a lending oer is also on his/her My B&N. If he/she has a NOOK, a lending notification appears
in The Daily. The lending notification expires and is removed after seven days.
To view a list of books that you have lent to friends:
1 On the Home menu, tap my library.
2 If you are viewing My Documents, tap Go to My B&N Library.
3 Browse or search in your library. eBooks that are on loan have the indicator.
To view notifications about eBooks that you have lent:
1 On the Home menu, tap the daily.
2 Ensure that notifications are displayed. Tap Show and choose All or Notifications.
3 Browse notifications. Notifications about eBooks that you have lent include:
Notifications that friends have accepted lending oers
Notifications that friends have declined lending oers
Notifications that eBooks you have lent have been automatically returned