10. Troubleshooting
4. Click Start XDS Software
Note: It takes 20 sec onds for the XDS application to start/stop.
Image 10-3
XDS CC application: Starting the application
The XDS Control Center application will start up.
Image 10-4
XDS CC application: View Stopping and s tarting the XDS software
To stop and start the XDS software
1. Click the Start button
2. Go to All Programs
3. Select Barco XDS Control S oftware
4. Click Stop XDS Software
Note: Please wait for 20 to 30 s econds for the XDS software to stop its services.
5. Now open Start menu once again
6. Go to All Programs
7. Select Barco XDS Control S oftware
8. Click Start XDS Software
Note: Please wait for 20 to 30 seconds for the XDS software to startup.
Now the XDS Control Center application will startup. If you still do not see the application, then pleas e check the status of Barco
services. Verify the services of Barco in XDS Control Center PC
To verify the services of Barco in XDS Control Center PC
1. From the XD S Control Center P C, open the Sta
rt menu
2. Click Control Panel
3. Double click Administrative To ols
4. Double click Services