Chapter 5: CCM Appliance Commands 67
User Logout command
The User Logout command terminates a user’s active sessions on the CCM appliance. If the
specified user has no active sessions, an error message is displayed. For all active sessions that are
terminated, a message is sent to the Telnet client and the Telnet connection is dropped.
Access right: USER
Access level: ADMIN (may log out all except APPLIANCEADMIN) or APPLIANCEADMIN
USER LOGOUT <username>
User Set command
The User Set command changes a user’s configuration in the user database. For more information,
see Managing User Accounts on page 20 and Access rights and levels on page 21.
You may delete a user’s password or key; however, each user must have a password or a key, so
you cannot remove both. Also, you cannot remove a user’s password or key if that action would
result in no users having USER access rights.
Access right: none to change your own password, USER to change anything else;
Access level: none to change your own password, ADMIN or APPLIANCEADMIN to change
anything else
USER SET <username> [PASSWORD=<pwd>] [SSHKEY=<keyfile>] [FTPIP=<ftpadd>]
[KEY=<sshkey>] [ACCESS=<access>]
Table 5.35: User Logout Command Parameter
Parameter Description
<username> Username to be logged out.
Table 5.36: User Set Command Parameters
Parameter Description
New 3-16 alphanumeric character password. Passwords are case sensitive. This
parameter is required when changing another user’s password.
The password is displayed on the screen. For security, clear your screen display
after issuing this command.
To delete a password, specify Password =“”.
Name of uuencoded public key file on an FTP server. The maximum file size that
may be received is 4K bytes.
FTPIP=<ftpadd> FTP server’s IP address.