30 CCM4850 Installer/User Guide
dash or a combination of numbers with commas and dashes. To disable all traps, type ALL. To
cancel the command, press
- or -
To disable all SNMP traps, issue a Server SNMP Trap command with the Disable and All
parameters. In this case, the numbered list is not displayed.
For more information, see Server SNMP Trap command on page 56 and Supported Traps on
page 78.
To add or delete SNMP trap destination addresses:
1. To add an SNMP trap destination address, issue a Server SNMP Trap Destination command
with the Add parameter and the destination’s IP address. You may define up to four destination
addresses, using separate commands.
2. To delete an SNMP trap destination address, issue a Server SNMP Trap Destination command
with the Delete parameter and the destination’s IP address.
For more information, see Server SNMP Trap Destination command on page 57.
To add, copy or delete port alert strings:
1. To add a port alert string, issue a Port Alert Add command, specifying the port number and a 3-
32 character string. You may define up to ten strings for each port, using separate commands.
The alert string will only generate a trap if the PortAlert trap is enabled with a Server SNMP
Trap command.
PORT <port> ALERT ADD “<string>”
2. To delete a port alert string, issue a Port Alert Delete command, specifying a port number.
The CCM appliance displays a numbered list of alert strings that have been defined for the
specified port with a prompt requesting you to select alert string(s) to delete. Indicate the alert
strings to be deleted by entering an alert string’s list number, several numbers separated by
commas, a range of numbers separated by a dash or a combination of numbers with commas
and dashes. To delete all alert strings, type
ALL. To cancel the command, press Enter.
3. To copy the defined alert strings from one port to another port, issue a Port Alert Copy com-
mand, specifying the port numbers to be copied to and from.
PORT <to_port> ALERT COPY <from_port>
At the confirmation prompt, press
Y to confirm or N to cancel. When the copy operation
occurs, all previously defined strings on the port being copied to will be replaced.
For more information, see Port Alert Add command on page 43, Port Alert Copy command on
page 43 and Port Alert Delete command on page 44.