
58 CPS Installer/User Guide
Port Set command
The Port Set command changes CPS port settings in the CPS configuration
database. At least one keyword parameter and value must be specified. For more
information, see Configuring Serial Port Settings in Chapter 3.
Access right: SCON or PCON; Access level: A and AA
PORT [<port>|ALL] SET
[TD=<device>] [NAME=<name>] [BAUD=<baud>] [SIZE=<size>]
[PARITY=<parity>] [STOP=<stopbits>] [FLOW=<signal>]
[TIMEOUT=<time-out] [SOCKET=<socket>] [CHAR=^<cli_char>]
Port Set Command Parameters
Parameter Description
<port>|ALL Either a port number in range 1-8 for a CPS810 or 1-16 for a
CPS1610, or All which indicates that the settings that follow should
be applied to all ports.
Default = port to which you are attached
TD=<device> Target device type. Valid values are Console and SPC. If SPC is
specifi ed, no other port confi guration values can be changed with
this command.
Default = Console
NAME-<name> Port name, up to 32 characters. If the name contains spaces, enclose
the name in double quotes. To return one or all port names to default
values, specify Name=“”.
Default = last 3 octets of MAC address plus the port number
BAUD=<baud> Baud rate. Valid values are:
0, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200. 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200,
9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200.
Default: = 9600
SIZE=<size> Number of data bits per character. Valid values are 7 and 8.
Default = 8
PARITY=<parity> Parity. Valid values are:
None Specifi es no parity.
Even Specifi es even parity.
Odd Specifi es odd parity.
Mark Specifi es mark parity.
Space Specifi es space parity.
Default = None
STOP=<stopbits> Number of stop bits per character. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Default = 1