
12 CPS Installer/User Guide
After the IP address is configured successfully, launch a Telnet session to the
CPS IP address. Then, see Initial CPS login in this chapter.
To confi gure the IP address and subnet mask using a Telnet CLI:
1. Ensure that your server or workstation has a Telnet client and is located on
the same LAN segment as the CPS.
2. Use the arp command to update the server or workstation with the CPS
IP address and Ethernet MAC address. The CPS Ethernet MAC address is
located on the back panel above the LAN connector. The arp command
is entered as:
arp -s <ip_address> <mac_address>
For example, the following command assigns the IP address
and the Ethernet MAC address 00-80-7d-54-01-54 to the CPS.
arp -s 00-80-7d-54-01-54
On a UNIX platform, the MAC address may require colons (:) instead of
dashes (-), for example, 00:80:7d:54:01:54.
3. You may verify that you entered the information correctly by using an arp
command with the -a option.
arp -a
This command shows all arp entries for the server or workstation. See
your system administrator guide if you need additional help with the
arp command.
4. After the above arp command is entered correctly, launch a Telnet client to
the assigned IP address. Then, continue with Initial CPS login in this chapter.
To confi gure the CPS using the serial CLI:
1. By factory default, port 1 of the CPS is confi gured for the serial CLI. To
access the serial CLI, attach a compatible device to port 1. The compatible
device types are: ASCII, VT52, VT100, VT102, VT220 and VT320.
Appendix B lists the required cables and adaptors. You may also use any
terminal emulation program that is available on your system.
2. Confi gure your terminal or terminal emulation program as follows.
Baud rate 9600
Bits per character 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
3. Press the Return or Enter key until a prompt appears, requesting your
username. If you do not receive a prompt after pressing the key fi ve times,
check your cable and serial settings to be sure that they are correct.