Chapter 3: Basic Operations 33
- or -
Click the Cancel button to revert all confi guration items in the
Confi guration tab to the last Save operation.
To delete a calculation:
1. After launching the web GUI, click Confi guration - Calculations. The
Calculations window displays a list of confi gured calculations.
2. Click the row containing the calculation you want to delete.
3. Click the Delete Selected button.
4. Click the Save button to save the change.
Configuring XML Reports
The EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance enables you to generate and
send XML reports as email or through FTP. XML reports display sensor I/O
values encapsulated in XML format and can be attached directly to an email.
Before sending an XML report through FTP, you must write the data to a file
using the Report to File action. Using the XML Reports feature, you also can
edit, test and delete existing reports.
Figure 3.13: XML Reports Window