Chapter 2: Installation 15
Figure 2.4: IP Parameter Setup
5. Obtain the IP address through DHCP by entering setip DHCP.
- or -
Enter static IP parameters, using the following as an example:
setip IP (space) (space)
NOTE: For the DHCP server reservation, locate the MAC address on the bottom of the
EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance or on the IP Parameter Summary window displayed
as HWaddr in Figure 2.3.
6. Reboot the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance by entering reboot
on the Terminal screen.
7. After you have rebooted the appliance, at the login prompt, enter root as
the username and root as the password.
8. Verify the new IP parameters by entering ifconfi g. The IP parameters are
displayed as shown in Figure 2.3.
9. Log out of the Terminal screen by entering logout.