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Interactive Array Preview
When you preview an array of objects using the Array command, you can pan, zoom, and navigate the model
before accepting the newly arrayed objects. Click anywhere or press the Esc key to return to the Array dialog
box, or right-click to accept the new array.
Find and Replace
The Find and Replace functionality has been updated to include an expandable dialog box and more options.
Use the Find command to access the Find and Replace dialog box, and then select the More Options icon in
the lower-left corner to view and modify the search options and text types. The display automatically zooms in
on the text as it is found.
Figure 41. Find and Replace
Geographic Location
AutoCAD LT 2009 software provides more options for defining the geographic location of a drawing using the
Geographic Location command. In addition to the previous methods for specifying the geographic location—
entering latitude and longitude information or selecting the location from a map—you can now import location
information from a KML or KMZ file or from the Google Earth™ application.