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When you hover the cursor over a Quick View Drawings image, previews of all the layouts in that drawing,
including model space, are displayed above the drawing images in a separate image bar. You can easily view
and activate any layout within any open drawing directly from the Quick View Drawing bar. To see a larger view
of the layout images, simply pass the cursor over a layout preview image. AutoCAD LT software automatically
enlarges the layout images and reduces the size of the drawing images. Moving the cursor back over a drawing
image returns the drawing images to the larger size and the layout images to the smaller size.
Figure 28. Quick View layout images within Quick View Drawings
Improved tooltips in AutoCAD LT 2009 provide more information as you need it. Tooltips are automatically
displayed when you pass the cursor over various tools. The improved tooltips not only show the name of the
tools but provide additional information, and even graphics, directly from the help system.