CM1164 RS-232 Control Tool
Auto Scan
The Auto Scan command allows you to set and enable Auto scan mode. Use
the Formula - to set Parameters - to create a Command.
Command + Control + [Enter]
Set Scan Duration:
Command + Control + Number + [Enter]
Auto Scan Commands
Some available formulas for Auto Scan commands are as follows:
1. Command + Control + [Enter]
For example, to auto scan all ports, type the following:
scan all [Enter]
2. Command + Control + Number + [Enter]
For example, to set the scan’s focus on each port for a duration of 44 seconds
before continuing on, type the following:
scan t44 [Enter]
Note: Each command string can be separated with a space.
Command Description
scan Auto Scan Command
Control Description
all Auto scan all ports
pon Auto scan all ports with computers powered
txx Sets the KVM focus duration when
scanning, xx= 1~99 seconds
Example: t33
Enter Description
Enter Enter and send out command