CM1164 RS-232 Control Tool
Change Display Mode
The Change Display Mode command allows you to change the Display mode
being used. Use the Formula - to set Parameters - to create a Command.
Command + Control + [Enter]
Change Display Mode Commands
Some available formulas for Change Display Mode commands are as follows:
1. Command + Control + [Enter]
For example, to set the Quad display mode, type the following:
display quad [Enter]
(Continues on next page.)
Command Description
display Change Display Mode Command
Control Description
full Enable console port to full screen display
quad Enable Quad display mode, console port
focus remains the same
pip2 Enable PiP Dual display, console port focus
remains the same on channel 1, and
channel 2, displays the video of the port
next to the console port being displayed
pip3 Enable PiP Triple display, console port
focus remains the same on channel 1, with
channel 2 and channel 3 displaying the
video of the ports next to the console port
being displayed
pip4 Enable PiP Quad display, console port
focus remains the same on channel 1, with
channel 2, channel 3, and channel 4
displaying the video of the ports next to the
console port being displayed
Enter Description
Enter Enter and send out command