customer service
obtaining Apple software updates
support hotline 24
custom installation of system software
Custom Install dialog box 124, 126
Delete key 156
At Ease and 98
rebuilding 84, 89, 95
device drivers, SCSI 62
DHCP bootstrapping protocol 65
diacritical marks, typing 157–158
diagnosing problems. See Apple-
authorized service providers;
error messages; troubleshooting
dialog boxes
Custom Install 124, 126
Easy Install 118, 121–122
Energy Star 11, 19
DIMMs. See Dual Inline Memory
Modules (DIMMs)
dim screen 20, 85, 136
disconnecting the computer 3, 134
Disk First Aid program
installing system software 117, 120
repairing damaged disks 114–115
disks. See CD-ROM discs; floppy disks;
hard disk
Disk Tools disk, starting the computer
from 110
disk with an X icon 87
display. See monitor; screen
documents. See also files
can’t open 95
opening DOS documents on the
Macintosh 95, 96
DRAM. See dynamic RAM
printer 104
SCSI device 62
Drive Setup program
hard disk icon doesn’t appear 88
initializing a hard disk 109, 111
overview 67
testing a hard disk 113–114
updating the hard disk 117, 120
Dual Inline Memory Modules
(DIMMs) 63
dual RCA-type connectors 44, 50–52,
54–55, 57
dynamic RAM, adding 63
Easy Access, turning off 94
Easy Install dialog box 118, 121–122
Eject CD command (AppleCD Audio
Player File menu) 75, 98
CD-ROM discs 75, 98
floppy disks 89–90, 140
electromagnetic emissions from computer
monitors 133
Energy Saver control panel 19–20, 136
energy-saving options, setting 11,
19, 136
Energy Star dialog box 11, 19
Enter key 156
arranging to prevent discomfort
cleaning 141–143
guidelines for handling 135–139
illustration 2, 40–41
setting up 1–8
error messages. See also troubleshooting
“Application program can’t be found”
72, 95
“Application program can’t be opened
because a file can’t be found”
72, 96
blinking question mark icon
86–87, 116
“bomb” icon/message 81, 83, 92, 102
“Can’t open a document...” 95