8 Shut down your computer.
9 Start up your computer from the
System Backup Disk 1
disk or the CD-ROM disc that
contains system software.
See “Starting Up From a Floppy Disk” or “Starting Up From a CD-ROM
Disc” in the section “Initializing a Hard Disk” earlier in this chapter.
The Installer’s Welcome screen may appear or you may have to double-click
the System Software Installer icon to open the Installer program.
10 Click OK.
The Easy Install dialog box appears.
11 Make sure that the hard disk named in the box is the one on which you want to install
system software.
If it isn’t, click Switch Disk until the correct disk name appears.
12 Click Install.
13 Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
If you’re installing system software from floppy disks, you see messages
asking you to insert different disks.
Chapter 6
Disk on which
system software
will be installed
You click here to install
the software you need.
To install the software on a
different disk, you click here.