Controller Object Commands
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show spinup
This feature only applies to 9000 series controllers.
This command reports the number of concurrent disks that will spin up when
the system is powered on, after waiting for the number of seconds specified
with the
set stagger command.
//localhost> /c0 show spinup
/c0 Disk Spinup Policy = 1
show stagger
This feature only applies to 9000 series controllers.
This command reports the time delay between each group of spinups at the
power on.
//localhost> /c0 show stagger
/c0 Spinup Stagger Time Policy (sec) = 2
show ondegrade
This feature only applies to 9500S controllers.
This command reports the cache policy for degraded units. If the ondegrade
policy is “Follow Unit Policy,” a unit cache policy stays the same when the
unit becomes degraded. If the ondegrade policy is off, a unit cache policy will
be forced to “off” when the unit becomes degraded.
//localhost> /c0 show ondegrade
/c0 Cache on Degraded Policy = Follow Unit Policy
show autocarve
This feature only applies to 9000 series controllers.
This command reports the Auto-Carve policy. If the policy is on, all newly
created or migrated units larger than the carvesize will be automatically
carved into multiples of carvesize volumes plus one remainder volume. Each
volume can be treated as an individual drive with its own file system. The
default carvesize is 2TB. For more information see, “/cx show carvesize”,