
Shell Object Commands
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show verify
This command displays all verify schedules for the 9000 controllers in the
//localhost> show verify
Verify Schedule for Controller /c0
Slot Day Hour Duration Status
1 Sat 11:00pm 4 hr(s) enabled
2 - - enabled
3 - - enabled
4 - - enabled
5 - - enabled
6 - - enabled
7 - - enabled
For additional information about verify schedules, see “/cx add
verify=ddd:hh:duration” on page 51, and see the discussion of background
tasks and schedules in 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide.
show selftest
This command displays all selftest schedules for the 9000 controllers in the
//localhost> show selftest
Selftest Schedule for Controller /c0
Slot Day Hour UDMA SMART
1 Sun 12:00am enabled enabled
2 Mon 12:00am enabled enabled
3 Tue 12:00am enabled enabled
4 Wed 12:00am enabled enabled
5 Thu 12:00am enabled enabled
6 Fri 12:00am enabled enabled
7 Sat 12:00am enabled enabled
For additional information about selftest schedules, see “/cx add
selftest=ddd:hh” on page 52, and see the discussion of background tasks and
schedules in 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide.