Kindle User’s Guide 22
Chapter 4 Getting More from Your Kindle
To enter a URL, tap the Search field at the top of the screen. Use the onscreen keyboard to
enter the web address. A .com key is added to the keyboard when you are entering URLs.
The address field will retain the last URL you entered.
The following tips will help you get the most out of the Kindle Web Browser:
• Tozoominonawebpageorimage,placetwongersclosetogetheronthecenterofthe
screen and move them apart. To zoom out, place two fingers a little apart on the screen and
pinch them together.
• Taplinkstoopenawebpage.
• Dragyourngerleft/rightandup/downtonavigateawebpage.
• TaptheBackbuttonintheupperleftcornertoreturntothepreviouspageyouwereviewing.
• Scrolldownawebpagebydraggingyourngerupthescreen.
• Toenterinformationinaeldonawebpage,selecttheeldandtheonscreenkeyboardwill
• Toreturntopreviouslyviewedwebpages,taptheMenubuttonandselectHistory.
Web Browser Menu
From within Web Browser, tap the Menu button to view other options, including Article
Mode, Bookmarks, Bookmark this Page, History, and Browser Settings. Browser Settings
include Clear History, Clear Cookies, Disable JavaScript, and Disable Images. Note that web
pages will load faster if you disable JavaScript.
When reading an article, there is also an option to switch to Article Mode which changes the
page layout and displays the article in a simple text column eliminating surrounding images
and ads.
To bookmark a web page, tap the Menu button and select Bookmark this Page. To delete a
bookmark, tap the Menu button and select Bookmarks. Tap the Remove button at the bottom
of the page, tap to select the checkbox next to the URL(s) you want to remove, and then tap
the Remove button.
Downloading files
Some websites may have books or documents that you want to download and read on your
Kindle. You will be asked to confirm if you want to download these items to your Kindle Home
screen. Supported file types for download include Kindle content (.AZW, .AZW1, AZW2, and
AZW3), unprotected Mobipocket books (.MOBI, .PRC), and text files (.TXT).