Kindle User’s Guide 19
Chapter 4 Getting More from Your Kindle
Chapter 4
Getting More From Your Kindle Paperwhite
Customizing Your Kindle Settings
To go to the Settings page, tap the Menu button from the Home screen and select
Settings. Your Kindle must be registered to view all settings. The available settings are:
Airplane Mode: Allows you to enable or disable wireless connectivity.
Wi-Fi Networks: Displays the number of detected Wi-Fi networks and the name of the Wi-Fi
network you are currently connected to, if any.
Registration: Indicates the Amazon account name to which your Kindle is registered. Use
this option to register and deregister the device.
Device Options: Lets you set a passcode, enable Parental Controls, set the time, select
a language for your device, add keyboards for different languages, select dictionaries,
personalize the device name, add personal info, and view your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address,
add keyboards for different languages, and select dictionaries.
Device Passcode: Allows you to restrict access to your Kindle by setting a passcode.
You’ll subsequently be prompted to enter the passcode whenever you turn on the
device or wake it from sleep. If you don’t remember your passcode, you must contact
Kindle Customer Service.
Parental Controls: Lets you restrict access to the Experimental Web Browser, Kindle
Store, and the Cloud. Parents may use this feature to prevent children from purchasing
content, downloading content from the Cloud, or using the web browser without their
permission. You will be prompted to enter a password when you set up restrictions
for one of these areas. Note that this password will be required to make changes to
settings within Parental Controls. If you forget your password, you must contact Kindle
Customer Service to reset the password. When Parental Controls are enabled you will
see a lock icon at the top of the screen next to the Wi-Fi/Cellular status indicator, and
Deregistration and Reset Device settings will be disabled.
Device Time: Lets you set the current local time to be displayed on your Kindle. The
time displays at the top of the screen. On Kindle models that include 3G, you can have
Kindle keep the current time updated by choosing “set automatically.” To view the time
from within a book, tap the top of the screen.
Personalize your Kindle: Lets you manage your device name, add personal and
contact information, and view your Send-to-Kindle E-mail address.
Device Name: Lets you change the name displayed at the top of the Home
Personal Info: Use this field to add personal or contact information, such as an
address or phone number, to help identify your Kindle in the event it is lost.
Send-to-Kindle E-mail: Indicates the address to which documents should be
e-mailed so that they can be sent to your Kindle. Unsupported document formats
will be automatically converted to Kindle format. (Charges may apply.) To learn
more about this feature, go to www.kindle.com/support.
Language and Dictionaries: Lets you select a language for your Kindle, add keyboards
for different languages, and select default dictionaries.
Language: Displays the current language for menus, alerts, and dialog boxes,
and lets you change to a different language.