System Commands
1) [VER] Display firmware version
2) [SET] Set Unit ID number
3) [RES] Reset the system
4) [?] Display system status
5) [?C] Display card status
6) [DFB] Display card/unit feedback
7) [EFB] Enable card/unit feedback
8) [IDUi] Identify a single unit ID
9) [IDU] Identify all unit IDs
10) [STA1] Enable auto-feedback
11) [STA0] Disable auto-feedback
Group Commands
12) [WR] Write cards to a group
13) [RMC] Remove group members
14) [RMG] Remove entire groups
15) [RD] Display group members
Configuration Commands
16) [RATE] Display communication rate
17) [RATE=] Set communication rate
18) [RATE=S] Save communication rate
19) [BEEPn] Sound beep of set length
20) [BEEP] Sound short beep
21) [PING] Display “[ ]”
22) [BAUD] Display RS-232 baud rate
23) [BAUD=] Set RS-232 baud rate
Special Commands
24) [TXR] Bypass command
25) [TXM] Bypass command - [ ]
26) <x[y]z> Bypass command for ISM5000
27) <@x[y]z> Bypass command for ISM5000
28) [TEST] Test memory, nondestructive
29) [HELP] Display available commands
LED Commands
30) {LEDn=} Set a single LED
31) {LEDm-n} Set a range of LEDs
32) {CLFC} Clear card memory buffer
33) {CLFG} Clear group memory buffer
34) {STA} Show LED I/O connection
Key Commands
35) {RDK} Display a key program
36) {WRK} Write a key program
37) {CLRK} Clear a key program
38) {LOCK} Lock one or all keys
39) {UNLK} Unlock one or all keys
40) {KEY} Simulate a key press
41) {KFB} Enable/disable key feedback
42) {RDLK} Display a key label
43) {WRLK} Write a key label
44) {CLRLK} Clear a key label
45) {RDSK} Display subroutines for a key
46) {SETVK} Set key as volume control
47) {CLRVK} Reset key to normal function
48) {UPLK} Upload key program file
Subroutine Commands
49) {RDS} Display a subroutine
50) {WRS} Write a subroutine
51) {WRS=S} Write a subroutine
52) {PING} Display “OK” (from buffer)
53) {SUB} Execute a subroutine
54) {CLRS} Clear/erase a subroutine
55) {TEST} Test memory, destructive
56) {WAIT} Pause before next command