22. [BAUD]
This command displays the current BAUD rate
Command Format: [BAUD]
Display the BAUD rate setting by sending the
command [BAUD] and receiving feedback
similar to the following:
23. [BAUD=]
This command sets the baud rate via the
RS-232 bus. The baud rate may also be set
from the front panel keys.
Command Format: [BAUD=n]
n = 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600
Example 1: RS-232 BUS
Set the baud rate to 9600 by sending
[BAUD=9600]. The system will return feedback
similar to the following:
Example 2: FRONT PANEL
Each rate is represented by one of the following
front panel keys:
Key 1 = 1200 Key 2 = 2400
Key 3 = 4800 Key 4 = 9600
In order to change the baud rate, perform the
following steps:
1) Press & Hold both keys 5 and 6
simultaneously for 2.5 seconds.
2) LEDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 will turn on and one of
the four will be flashing. The flashing LED
represents the current baud rate setting.
3) Press & Hold for 2.5 seconds the key
representing the desired baud rate.
4) After 2.5 seconds, all 4 LEDs will be
5) The new baud rate is set.
These commands allow special character strings to
be sent to external devices. The strings may be
used to issue commands to custom equipment
connected to the MultiTasker. Also included in this
section are commands to test the internal memory
and display all available RS-232 commands.
24. [TXR]
This command is used to send command strings
to the RS-232 bus through the MultiTasker.
Command Format: [TXRxyz]
xyz = text string ("abc","123",…)
Send the text string "HELLO" to the RS-232 bus.
The string will be ignored by the MultiTasker, but
not the unit receiving the command. To do this,
send the command [TXRHELLO] and the
following will be sent to the remaining devices
connected to the RS-232 bus:
25. [TXM]
This command is used to send command strings
to the RS-232 bus through the MultiTasker, but
it adds opening and closing brackets to the
command string.
Command Format: [TXRxyz]
xyz = text string ("abc","123",…)
1200 2400
4800 9600
1 2 13
Press & Hold
Keys 5 / 6
for 2.5 seconds.