
Description of the data path
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Auto gain
In combination with auto white balance, all Oscar cameras are equipped with
auto gain feature.
When enabled auto gain adjusts the gain within the default gain limits or
within the limits set in advanced register F1000370h in order to reach the
brightness set in auto exposure register as reference.
Increasing the auto exposure value (aka target grey value) increases the aver-
age brightness in the image and vice versa.
The applied algorithm uses a proportional plus integral controller (PI control-
ler) to achieve minimum delay with zero overshot.
The following tables show the gain and auto exposure CSR.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF0F00820 GAIN Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature:
0: N/A
1: Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
O: Control with value in the value
1: Control with value in the absolute
value CSR
If this bit=1 the value in the value
field has to be ignored.
--- [2..4] Reserved
One_Push [5] Write: Set bit high to start
Read: Status of the feature:
Bit high: WIP
Bit low: Ready
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature
Read: read a status
0: OFF
1: ON
A_M_MODE [7] Write: set mode
Read: read current mode
--- [8..19] Reserved
Value [20..31] Read/Write Value
This field is ignored when writing the
value in Auto or OFF mode.
If readout capability is not available,
reading this field has no meaning.
Table 23: CSR: Gain