1.1 89600 VSA software
The 89600 vector signal analyzer software is the heart of the broadband VSA. This software
provides fl exible tools for analyzing and demodulating even the most advanced digital modu-
lations, including those not defi ned by an established standard.
The VSA makes measurements on signals in the time and frequency domains using either
the BB (baseband) or IF Zoom mode. In BB mode, the analysis frequency range is from 0 Hz
to the stop frequency. In IF Zoom mode, the analysis frequency range is defi ned by center
frequency and span. There is also an I+jQ mode for analyzing two baseband quadrature
channels. Results for any mode can be displayed as magnitude
or phase, in I/Q and several other formats.
With the optional digital demodulator, Option 89600-AYA, modulation quality measurements
in the form of error vector magnitude (EVM) can be made on digital wireless communica-
tions signals with bandwidths of hundreds of MHz. In addition, powerful diagnosis capabili-
ties allow you to determine the exact impairments that cause a digitally modulated signal to
fail quality standards.
The features of the digital demodulator include variable-block-size signal acquisition, pulse
burst edge search, synch word search and a user-controllable adaptive equalizer.
User-selectable fi lter types include cosine (raised and square-root raised), Gaussian, low-
pass, and user-defi ned. You can vary the fi lter alpha/BT shape factor. Supported modulation
formats for both burst and continuous carriers include FSK, BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK,
π/4DQPSK, 8PSK, QAM (16 to 1024), and MSK.
In addition, the 89600 software provides a signal record feature for later playback and
1.2 Required software revisions
Using the 89600 Series VSA software with Agilent Acqiris high-speed digitizers requires
compatible software versions:
Agilent Acqiris Software for
AcqirisSoftware 3.2
(Driver AqDrv4.dll 4.13) or later
For baseband operation:
89600 VSA
Acqiris VSA Server
v8.00 or later
1.0 or later
For HF operation:
89600 VSA
Acqiris VSA Server
v9.00 or later
2.0 or later
Table 2. Required software versions