
5.3 Recording limits for Acqiris digitizers
The 89600 VSA software allows the acquisition of long records to be captured. Analysis
is done as a post-processing operation. This feature is called Recording. Recordings can
be much longer than time records in live measurements.
Prior to taking a recording, live test measurements of Main Time length are usually made
at the desired span. Then, when the recording is made, the analyzer no longer uses Main
Time Length but, instead, uses Recording Length to determine length of the acquired
When making an 89600 VSA recording the maximum recording length is determined by
the digitizer sample rate and memory depth. When in user rate the maximum record-
ing lengths will increase as the sample rate decreases. The recording length increase
is directly proportional to the sample rate decrease or the memory depth increase. The
following table indicates the maximum recording length at full rate for each supported
Table 6. Maximum recording lengths at maximum span for each digitizer model with memory
Model No. of
Max span Recording length for possible memory confi gurations
512k 1M 4M 8M 64M 128M 512M 1G
U1066A-001 (DC440) Std 1 100 MHz 10 ms 20 ms
U1066A-001 (DC440) Std 2 100 MHz 10 ms 20 ms
U1066A-001 (DC440) HF 1 164 MHz 10 ms 20 ms
U1066A-001 (DC440) HF 2 164 MHZ 10 ms 20 ms
U1066A-002 (DC438) 1 78.125 MHz 20 ms 40 ms
U1066A-002 (DC438) 2 78.125 MHz 20 ms 40 ms
U1065A-001 (DC222) 1 2 GHz 130 μs 16 ms 130 ms
U1065A-002 (DC252) 1 2 GHz 130 μs 16 ms 130 ms
U1065A-002 (DC252) 2 1.5625 GHz 130 μs 16 ms 130 ms
U1065A-004 (DC282) 1 2 GHz 130 μs 16 ms 130 ms
U1065A-004 (DC282) 2 1.5625 GHz 130 μs 16 ms 130 ms
Note: The stated recording depths are at maximum sample rate. Lower user sample rates give proportionally longer times.