
Procedure 2. Al Front Frame/Al8 CRT
connectors and cover the tip with heatshrink tubing or tape to avoid scratching the
enameled front panel.
23. Loosen screw (3) securing the line-switch assembly to the front frame. This is a captive
screw and cannot be removed from the line-switch assembly. See Figure 4-3.
24. Gently remove the line-switch assembly, using caution to avoid damaging
power indicator LED
25. Remove
and AlWlDSl from the line-power switch assembly.
26. Remove the three screws (1) securing the front frame assembly to the right side frame of
the spectrum analyzer. See Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4. front frame Mounting Screws
27. Remove the three screws securing the front frame assembly to the left side frame of the
spectrum analyzer.
28. Remove the four screws (1) (Figure 4-3) securing the CRT mounts to the deck.
29. Pull the cable tie (1) to free W9. See Figure 4-5. Gently pry W9, the CRT cable, from
the end of the CRT assembly.
30. Support the Al8 CRT assembly while gently pulling the front frame and CRT out of the
spectrum analyzer 1 or 2 inches.
31. Disconnect A18W1, the trace align wires, from A17J5. Remove the front frame and CRT
32. Gently pull the CRT assembly off of the front frame assembly.
Assembly Replacement 4-9