Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
6.9.6 Session Properties
After downloading the data that is selected, the Session Properties window will
• Operator Information: Information associated with the person and company
conducting the test.
• Site Information: Information about the site itself.
• Comments: A place to type descriptions, test results, reasons for testing, etc.
• Make Default: Saves the operator information into memory so that it will auto-
Figure 6-23
1. Afterllingintheappropriateinformation,closetheSessionPropertiesdialog
boxbyclickingonthe“X” at the top right hand corner.
2. To open the database just downloaded, click the “Yes” button.Adialogbox
labeled Create View from Template will open.
3. Inthe Groupswindow ofthis dialogbox, clickon “PowerPad” and in the
Templates window click on “EN50160”.
4. AwindownamedStep2:SpecifyDatabase(s)willappear.Thelejustsaved
and named should be visible. To generate a report, click the “OK” button.
The report will now be available on the screen including graph, individual data
points and all statistical data.
5. To print this report, either click on the Print icon or click on the File from the top
menu and then Print.
report using DataView
with your Model 3945-B.
In addition to the pre-designed report templates, DataView
allows you to totally
configure reports to your needs. Refer to the DataView
HELP file on “Tem-
plates” to learn more about templates.