Fibre Channel MAP 61
SNC 5100
Step 3. Wait for the SNC 5100 to finish booting.
Step 4. If the SNC 5100 is in diagnostic mode (command prompt =
diagmode >), then restore normal operation.
For more information, see “Restoring Normal Mode” on page 188.
Step 5. Perform a health check.
For more information, see “Perform Health Check” on page 46.
Step 6. Review the host event log.
For more information, see “Check the Host Event Log” on page 47.
If all attached SCSI devices and cables are determined to be good,
yet SCSI errors persist, replace the SNC 5100.
Go to “Before Removing or Replacing the Unit” on page 82.
Proceed through “Replacing the SNC 5100” on page 84.
Exit this MAP.
Fibre Channel MAP
Perform these steps if:
• The Fibre Channel interface reports a reset or system error
• The Fibre Channel interface reports an error processing a request or
• The Fibre Channel interface reports an excess of 10 LIPs in a 10-minute
• Other Fibre Channel errors reported
• FC connection LED is off
Verify Fibre Channel Connections
Step 1. Connect the service terminal to the Service Port.
For more information, see “Connecting to the Service Port” on
page 95.