SNC 5100
126 Commands
fcPortModeSet [port],[mode]
fcPortModeSet command sets the mode for the specified Fibre Channel
port. See also the
fcPortModeGet command.
The default port mode is Public Target. Consequently, if attached to a Fabric
device the SNC 5100 will register as a Target with the name server. If the port
mode is Private Target, the SNC 5100 does not register with the name server
and the Fabric device will not recognize the SNC 5100 as a Target.
The port must be in Initiator mode if you want the SNC 5100 to scan for target
devices on the port. When the port is in Private Initiator mode, the SNC 5100
only scans for devices on the local loop. If the port mode is in Public Initiator
mode, the SNC 5100 also scans for devices attached to a Fabric.
SN60023 > fcPortModeSet 1,2
SN60023 >
You must issue the fcRestart command or reboot the SNC 5100
for the new setting to take effect. See the
fcRestart command for
further information.
fcRestart [port]
fcRestart command restarts the specified Fibre Channel port. You
Parameter Value Meaning
Port 1 The SNC 5100 connection labeled FC1
2 The SNC 5100 connection labeled FC2
Mode 1 Private Target
2 Private Initiator
3 Private Target and Initiator
17 Public Target
18 Public Initiator
19 Public Target and Initiator