© Adam Equipment Company 2010
Pressing the [Func] key allows the user to access the parameters for
customising the scale. The parameters are split into 3 groups-
1. Check weighing parameters,
2. Serial Interface parameters and
3. Scale parameters
• When [Func] is pressed, display will first show “FUnC 1” for Check
weighing parameters.
• Enter [2] for RS-232 parameters or [3] for Scale parameters or press
the [Func] key to advance through the groups “FUnC 1”, “FUnC 2” and
“FUnC 3”. Press [Tare] to enter the desired group of parameters.
• Press [Zero] to return to the group “FUnC 1”. If you press [Zero] again,
the scale will exit the User Parameter section and return to normal
• Press [Tare] to enter the group.
• Press [Func] to scroll through the parameters and press [Tare] to enter
a parameter setting. Alternatively you can press the number key
corresponding to the function desired, i.e. press the [4] key to jump to
F4 bEP, beeper control.
• Press [Func] to view the options for setting.
• Press [Tare] to confirm the change and then advance to the next
parameter by pressing the [Func] key.
This group of parameters-
- enables or disables the percent weighing
- sets the lock for re-setting the check weighing limits
- enables or disables the check weighing LED indicator
- enables or disables the check weighing alarm
- sets the User Password for check weighing
- enables or disables the negative check weighing